Wednesday, June 25, 2008
TRF 5th annual exhibition "14X10" 2008 @the arts house.
2-way void I, II & III
Our essence is tied without origin- an unwelcome reminder of the rootless-ness that annihilates our meanings into dust. We build grandiose towers of purposes and meanings, shutting our eyes tight to our bottomless pits.
Towers without bases are bound to fall.
Towers without light cannot be found.
We close our eyes and lay our bricks in sunny dreams
The illusion of togetherness.
An instinctive search for ‘others’ behind a veil of silent desperation for need of unity, so as to feel a more rounded wholeness in our perceived beings. It takes one to verify another’s existence in all its solidity, but unfortunately- not in their entire truth. We continue to seek others around us as consolations even though we are unable to understand them for what it is- they are simply the reflections of our own muted consciousness.
We are essentially alone.
Up, up, into nothingness.
Hope- it waits in anticipation for a better future, for great heights and impending happiness. It motivates our senses and actions, and all that is needed is the unfettering belief of hope. These make-believe clock-ticking seconds have given us an excuse to believe in tomorrows and Sundays.
We have only the now, but the ‘now’ a moment ago had just been lost as you are reading this. Yet, it keeps on unfolding persistently into our moments like butterflies we find impossible to trap in nets. The future will never come, and thus the impossibility of hope.
Hope is but an imaginary ladder.
uploaded: jixuan: 6:41 AM