Sunday, March 30, 2008

up,up, into nothingness.
(mixed media on canvas)


uploaded: jixuan: 8:15 AM

Saturday, March 29, 2008

ideas- up, up, into nothingness.


uploaded: jixuan: 5:15 PM

Friday, March 28, 2008

consolations series- progress.


uploaded: jixuan: 5:36 PM

Thursday, March 27, 2008

ideas- consolations series.

Photobucket Photobucket

uploaded: jixuan: 5:22 PM

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Nothingness is a beginning and an end to itself.

uploaded: jixuan: 8:14 AM

Sunday, March 23, 2008

the relations and interactions of things.

Relations of Things.

If the world is pure consciousness, then it must permeate through every inch of space that which is infinity. Then what are objects? If objects (which includes humans), are consciousness given form, what is this mass that makes form possible? Let’s make this presumption- which I trust has a high degree of scientific truth, that mass is a constant entity. If we were to say that one’s consciousness still remains in existence even when the body stops functioning, the same can be said about the body- which is mass disintegrated into another form of mass which only differs in appearance.

Consciousness withstands only itself, supports only itself. So just what exactly is the role of mass? It seems to be a superfluous entity – the universe has no need for human, flower, granite forms to sustain itself. Is mass simply an excess or …?

To establish the idea of an object as consciousness given form, one can no longer distinguish the difference between a stone and a fish. Everything seems to be connected in a single fundamental truth, and that the complexity of each object will cease to hold any relevance since it will eventually negate back to the same point.

Interaction of Things.

We pretend to create meanings to things that in actual fact, are meaningless. To further convince ourselves, we attempt to make up our own subjective meanings by making certain objects interact with another. A water hose is meaningful because water flows out from it, and that one no longer needs to draw water from inconvenient sources. However, in reality, a water hose is meaningless. It is the useful interaction between the hose and water that gives the water hose a purpose.

Read the word as follows:


We can easily through reflex, create a mental image of a snake, for we have being taught what a snake is. But in reality, this 5 letters are only a mass of electronic impulses that form the black lettering image on the screen.

Meanings are simply meaningless invention that has no relation to the truth. It is dangerous because it leads us even further from reality, though it provides one with a great deal of consolation.

Now look at this word as follows:


Is the meaning as significant as the previous word? I had used the same amount of electronic impulses to deliver these 5 letters. However, it seems takes up a new meaning on its own, even though we may not be able to truly understand its ‘not-yet-invented’ meaning. Is this what we call creation? If creation is to bring something new or original to the world, then is creation possible? The most one can do is to either change the order of Things, or to reveal what one sees.

uploaded: jixuan: 8:03 AM

Friday, March 21, 2008

TRF 4th annual exhibition "Transition" 2007 @Pan Pacific


Dolls. Inanimate structures with black glass eyes staring out into nothingness. Yet they invoke in me a wide spectrum of feelings. Nostalgia, innocence, tranquility and companionship- yet sometimes it leaves one cold. In this series, new air fills their hollow bodies for the first time and they come to life. These seemingly perfect beings take on human qualities and have fallen into the worldly vortex of intimidation, and a merry-go-round of dull consciousness.

uploaded: jixuan: 8:38 AM

Thursday, March 20, 2008

philosophie de poupées- cover.


uploaded: jixuan: 5:17 PM

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

the carnival.
(oil on canvas)


uploaded: jixuan: 6:51 AM

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

ideas- the carnival.



uploaded: jixuan: 6:45 AM


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